Libby Sherwood

Therapy & Counseling

Experience life -

in harmony, awake, aware & empowered.

So you can feel confident and connected in everything you do.

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Whether you’re single, deepening in your partnerships, or building a business, this work can help you move through challenges with skill and ease. This relational intelligence allows you to begin to direct your life from a place of strength and clarity.

Profound moments of realization keep my clients inspired and moved to keep showing up for this work again and again.

I find people sometimes associate the word therapy with an idea that something’s wrong with me. The words “therapy” and “coaching” don’t quite articulate the power of what working with mental health therapists can achieve.

It’s more than “therapy.” It’s an invitation for up-leveling before shit hits the fan. It’s a training ground where we get to reprogram the stuck patterns from our past conditioning to support connection and discovery.

The power of personal discovery can transform the way you relate to others and the way they relate with you. Now we’re making great leaps in our evolution, together.

the leading edge

It’s normal to feel scared or uncomfortable at the edge of our comfort zone, and that edge looks different for everyone.

I call this the “leading edge” of growth. Wherever you’re at, I meet you there, so you can transform the way you relate to yourself and others. Working together to transform repetitive patterns and frustrations, we reveal our unconscious social conditioning that’s holding us back and may be sabotaging our greatest expression.

Our personal and interpersonal challenges are invitations for us to soften into humility, listen to our inner wisdom, and step into our power.


From this place we can dive into those scary, ugly, and shameful areas that are part of our authentic human nature, and begin to overcome them.

Our priority is to co-create a safe environment you can trust, so you’ll be inspired to show up and do the work, even when challenge arises. This sets the foundation for showing up more powerfully in your relationships, your business, and your family. My Golden counseling practice is a space for you to bring together the right blend of care, resources, challenge and depth, so you can feel more solidity of self and the peace you’ve always wanted.


If we want to flourish in relation to ourselves and the world around us, we can’t do it alone.

The most successful people in the world are willing to ask for help. The fact that you are here means that you’re ready to set yourself free and direct your life from a place of clarity, strength, and awareness.

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Now you get to lead with courage and inspire others.
Now you can deliver your greatest gifts to the world.

To schedule an introductory 90 minute session where we get to sit down in person, please contact Libby Sherwood at her downtown Golden CO office: or 720.739.1117.


couples therapy in golden colorado

Libby Sherwood, MSW

Libby holds a postgraduate degree from Colorado State University and works with couples, families, and individuals as a therapist in Golden Colorado.

Kind, intuitive, empathic, compassionate, understanding, wise. Libby has all of these qualities, and so much more. She is the best therapist I have ever met. She is a natural born healer.

- Sandra -